Learning & Teaching

Literacy Across the School

At Holy cross we use a variety of teaching practices from Prep-Year 6 to meet the children's reading and writing needs. Some of the practices you will consistently see across the school are; small targeted teaching groups, differentiated learning tasks in independent practise time, guided practice, whole class reading for enjoyment, and reflective conversations about texts.


Watch the below video to see a snapshot of these literacy practices across the school.

Outdoor Ed: Year 2 Farm to Table


As part of the Outdoor Ed program this term, the Year Two children selected various seasonal plants suitable for the Macedon Ranges and began sowing seeds. Throughout the term, they took on the responsibility of preparing the soil, selecting suitable vegetables based on the growing season and caring for the plants until they were ready for harvest.  The children also made connections to health and wellbeing along the way. Today, the children used the herbs and vegetables they grew to cook homemade pizzas!