Religious Education

Beginning early next term some of our students will be preparing to receive their Sacrament of Confirmation and Eucharist. The Program information and registration notes have been previously emailed to families.
Dates and times for this Sacramental program are today listed in the school newsletter under ‘Dates to Remember’. This will continue for the duration of the program.
For further information please contact Mandy at St Mary’s Parish on (03) 52312177
Yesterday Sacred Heart received a certificate from St Vincent de Paul in recognition of our contribution to the life and work of the Society. We were thanked for our amazing donations of food, warm clothing, blankets and care packs for the Winter Appeal.
Thank you to our kind and generous families that continue reaching out and supporting those less fortunate than ourselves.
Wishing you all a safe, restful and enjoyable mid year school holiday break
Julie Leonard - Religious Education Leader & Wellbeing Leader