Principal's News

Dear parents and carers,
It has been great to see so many parents coming in for Assessment Conversations over the past week. As stated last week, Assessment Conversations are a great way to catch up with the child’s teacher and it has been so nice to see the children having the opportunity to proudly show their parents what they have been working on and to talk through their goals with yourselves and the teacher.
The reports will also be available on your PAM account this Thursday afternoon.
It is hard to believe that we have reached the halfway mark in our school year this week. The children have had fun and learnt new things this term from ‘minibeasts’ in the Foundation classrooms, ‘responsible pet ownership’ in Year 1 right up to ‘sustainable planet and sustainable me’ in Year 6 and more in between!
In addition to the assessment conversations, it has been a term filled with highlights such as; Father Michael’s 50th anniversary of his ordination into the priesthood, our Sacred Heart Feast Day coupled with the Big Freeze fundraiser, Swimming for Years 1-3,
the Year 1 ‘Pet Parade,’ local and division sporting events being just some.
Again, tomorrow, the boys football team heads off to Ararat to compete in the Greater Western competition. We wish them well and thank Nicole Lynch, our sports leader, for all the opportunities she provides for our children. Thanks, too, to our parents for their support in all these areas….walking to and from the pool, umpiring, attending meetings, offers of help with freezer bank, book covering and hot dogs, and the great feedback given to our teachers this week. It is all greatly appreciated.
The last day of term for the children will be this Thursday 27th. To finish off the term we will be having a hot dog lunch, with a hotdog and a drink provided for each child. The school day will conclude at the usual time of 3:15pm.
A reminder that the school will be closed this Friday 28th June as the teachers take part in a staff professional learning day.
Next term Julie, our wellbeing leader, will be running the ‘Seasons’ program, a program for children dealing with grief and loss.
Please find more details about this program in the Wellbeing section of today’s newsletter where you can register your interest on the link provided. Please feel free to contact Julie for any further information.
We wish you all a safe and happy holiday with your families and friends and look forward to working with you all again next term.
Jane (on behalf of all staff)