Teaching & Learning

STM Values - Kindness, Fairness and Justice
In a previous newsletter, we highlighted the importance of our first school value, kindness. This week, we delve into the crucial values of fairness and justice, often misunderstood but integral to our school community.
Fairness - Our school is a place where everyone can be their best
Fairness is creating an environment where everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow and be their best. At STM, we strive to demonstrate fairness by encouraging and developing the following behaviours within our students and school community so each individual has the best chance to be their best;
- We all have a voice - we listen to and share ideas
- We pay attention and stay on task
- We participate in our learning and try our best
- We move quietly through the school during learning times
- We treat everyone fairly
- We give thoughtful feedback to each other
- We arrive at school and to lessons on time
To support students and staff further in knowing the expected behaviours for fairness we have the following rules;
- Be organised and ready to learn
- Listen carefully when other people speak
- Raise your hand to ask for help
- Raise your hand to ask or answer a question
- Stay on task
- Give thoughtful feedback
- Walk inside and on pathways
- Use the correct voice
- Arrive to school and class on time
Justice - We do what is right by making good choices
Justice is about making choices to ensure we do the right thing for ourselves, others, and our school. At STM, we show justice by encouraging and developing the following behaviours within our students and school community;
- We work together to make sure everyone is safe at school
- We look after our belongings and care for our school equipment and environment
- We model and live out the school values
- We follow the school rules and instructions from all staff
- We apologise if we hurt someone’s feelings or make a mistake
To support students and staff further in knowing the expected behaviours for fairness, we have the following rules;
- Keep hands and feet to self
- Tell a teacher if you see unsafe behaviour
- Put your books, pencil case, belongings and equipment away where they belong
- Place rubbish in the bin
- Care for our belongings
- Follow the teacher’s instructions
- Say “I’m sorry” when you hurt someone
- Do what is right
I hope you have a wonderful week