From the Principal

It is hard to believe we are about to enter the last week of Term 2. It has been another successful term at STM full of learning and fun. Term 2 reports will be released on our online NForma platform next week. Any families who struggle to access these reports can email me for an emailed copy. I would ask all families to try and access the platform before emailing me. It is easy to log in and use and saves me countless hours downloading and emailing reports. If you have any questions about your child/ren's report they should be directed at your child's classroom teacher. Parent/Teacher conversations have been scheduled for early in Term 3. A booking form will go home before the end of term, just a reminder that families who engage in Termly PSG meetings are asked not to book in for a Parent / Teacher conversation.
Earlier this week, NAPLAN released school-based data from the 2024 testing period. We are so proud of all of our students, but especially of those who participated in the NAPLAN testing period. Our results are outstanding and show clear improvement in key learning areas. We will share more public information about the results when the individual student results are released.
Last week the Year 5/6 students went to Camp Manyung in Mt Eliza. It was a memorable few days and all of the students should be commended for the way they conducted themselves. Staff who attended made comments about the student's willingness to support each other as they stepped out of their comfort zone. There are lots of photos and more information in the 5/6 Camp tab of the newsletter. I would like to thank Mrs Janky, Mrs Jones, Mrs Auld, Miss Walton and Miss Wicks for taking time away from their own families to support our students.
On Saturday (22nd of June) the Catholic Church celebrates St Thomas More Feast Day. Thomas More was a special person; our school is lucky to have him as our Patron Saint. Tomorrow (Friday 21st of June), our school will celebrate St Thomas More Feast Day by holding our annual Thommies Market Day. By now, all class teachers would have sent home information about the day to parents. It is always one of the most enjoyable days on the school calendar, and I am sure tomorrow will be no different. All money raised normally goes to Caritas Australia. However, this year, we are donating all money raised to Cancer Council Australia. We do this in support of Kate (Reishi's mum) who is currently fighting a cancer battle. I hope Kate can feel the love and support of our community.
All community members are welcome to celebrate Mass @ 9 am tomorrow morning in the Parish church. Mass will be followed by morning tea in the staffroom for all those keen to join. Tommies Market (11:45ish-1:00) will be a student-only event as per the Operoo sent out on Monday; students will also be provided with a free sausage sizzle lunch.
Term 2 will end next Friday 28th of June at 3:10pm. Term 3 will begin on Monday, July 15th.
Thommies Market:
Taster Day for Pre-Schoolers:
It was so nice to see some of our 2025 Prep families attend our first Taster Day. It was nice interacting with the children and having them participate in some fun activities. A big thank you to Miles and Seb our ICT leaders who helped me run the session.
Lunch Orders - Mondays:
Subway Vermont South and Canteen Hub are very pleased to be able to offer the Subs For Your School Lunch Program.
- Every Monday
- Place your order by 4:30 pm Sunday - the day before
- If you are using a VPN please select Australia
- Please register at
- Select St Thomas More Primary School
- If you need to cancel your order this can be done via under your profile up to the order cut-off time.
- Need help please email
Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge:
If your child is interested in joining the Victorian Premiers' Reading Challenge, please let our school Library technician and LSO, Lisa Norris know.
Lisa can be contacted on
Thank you and God bless