Discovery Centre
Hello Foundation Families,
While it may have been the first week of Winter, things are contiuning to heat up in Foundation. During Literacy sessions this week, students explored non-fiction texts. We identified lots of interesting facts about animals, and discussed the different features of information books such as photographs and headings. This will support our next writing unit when we create our own Informative Brochures about animals.
In Mathematics, students further developed their number sense through counting on and subitising. Students practised counting on from a non-zero starting point. This is an important skill to help students add and subtract numbers next term. We also made our own subitising cards and played games with them. Keep an eye out for them in the orange folders to also play the game at home.
We are continuing to collect cardboard boxes for our end of term Guided Inquiry project. If you have any cereal boxes, shoe boxes or other cardboard boxes we can use to create time capsules, please bring them to the classroom or office. It is greatly appreciated.
- King's Birthday Public Holiday - Monday 10th June
- Curriculum Day (No School) - Tuesday 11th June
- We are collecting cardboard boxes for our end of term Guided Inquiry project. If you have any cereal boxes, shoe boxes or other cardboard boxes we can use to create time capsules, please bring them to the classroom or office.
- We have added Term Three dates to our PMP sign up sheet. If you are available to assist on a Friday morning, please scan the QR codes below.
Pupil of the Week
FC - Zoe L
For always working diligently in the classroom. Your zest towards your school today is wonderful to see.
FE - Alessia D
For demonstrating perseverance and life-long learning throughout writing tasks. It is wonderful to see you sounding out your words so carefully.
FT - Zayn B
For doing a fantastic job with your Sharing Time this week. You shared confidently and answered questions with enthusiasm.