Inquiry Centre
What a busy week we have had in the inquiry centre!
1/ 2 E did a fantastic job presenting at the Assembly on Monday. We are very proud of them!
In Maths we have been exploring measurement with a focus on Mass. Students have explored weighing and comparing classroom objects using hefting, balance scales and digital scales. These action filled lessons were so much fun learning words such as, lighter, heavier, equal, grams and kilograms.
In Writing students have been working on their animal information report, labelling a diagram of their animal, and writing their descriptive paragraphs on their chosen animals looks, diet, habit and interesting facts.
Reading has been so much fun too! On Wednesday we had an emergency evacuation drill where the whole school met out on the oval.
The Grade 1/ 2 classes displayed excellent listening skills and followed instructions from their classroom teacher. We hope you had a fantastic week!
Thanks to all our wonderful families for your continued support!
Emma, Suzie, Miss Shaye, Amanda, Miss Emmett, Kate and Mrs Seadon.
Student Voice
- I am excited about the Year 2 sleepover. - Olivia 1/2E
- I love writing and learning about punctuation - Zain 1/2E
- I love Guided Inquiry and inventing a new watch - Leo S 1/2E
- In WA indigenous people have 6 seasons and in the NT they have 13 seasons - Julia 1/2E
- In writing, we use commas for listing items and names - Lenny 1/2E
- I use scales in the kitchen - Jonah 1/2E
- A reminder to continue recording books read at home to make progress in the Premier's Reading Challenge. If you have any questions please speak to your child's teacher.
- With Winter now here, please clearly label your child's jumpers and jackets with their FIRST and LAST name.
- Please make sure your child brings a filled water bottle to school each day.
- Keep up the nightly reading at home and writing in the reading journals.
- Students are reminded to bring their library bag to school on library days.
Pupil of the week
1/2A - Kiaan L
For showing a love of learning in Maths this week. You did a fantastic job finding items that weighed a specific number of grams! Well done!
1/2M -Mikaela L
For showing kindness and respect to your friends this week. You are a very caring person and a great role model in 1/2M.
1/2S - Tarah S
For showing integrity and a love of learning in your writing this week. You have been working hard to research your animal for your information report! Keep it up Tarah!
1/2KS - Ethan T
For showing creativity and a love of learning when creating your information report. You added lots of details about kookaburras, recording their appearance, diet and habitat. Amazing effort Ethan!
1/2E - Cindy Z
For demonstrating a willingness to learn in Reading and MiniLit. You have improved on your fluency Well done and keep up the great work!