Parents & Friends
I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to this long weekend with both anticipation (5 days straight off work!) and trepidation (4 days straight with the kids 🤣). This year has been one of contrasts for me, and it continues in the same vein, going both too fast and too slow at the same time.
As we come closer to the middle of the year, and with most of Term 2's P&F requirements wrapped up, it's given me a chance to think about the bigger P&F picture, and what we're trying to achieve. This morning's (Friday's) P&F meeting was a really good opportunity to chat with a few other parents about what is and isn't working, and what else we might try into the future.
But it's also about what you, our community, want. P&F is here to support and connect all of us, and I'd love to be able to do that in a way that actually adds value and has meaning for you. So I have an ask of you, whether you've been a member of the MPRPS community for 1 year or 10. I'd love to know what it is that you would like P&F to do, or what you think we could stop or change.
There are no stupid ideas or suggestions in this space, and absolutely zero judgements, so I'd love you to be as honest as you want with your thoughts on this. And perhaps you haven't thought about it at all, I know you, like most of us, are probably just trying to get through each day/week/month at the moment. But if you have a moment, could you please spare some of your hard earned time to think about what you might want to see from your P&F going forward.
This might include:
- more social events at school
- more social events away from school
- more events at varied times (nights, weekends etc)
- family events
- parent only events
- organised parent groups such as the book club or sporting teams
- organised small group events
- more information on getting involved at school, either through P&F or in the classroom
- fundraising ideas
- less of everything
There are also lots of ways you can share your thoughts with us:
- chat to Leonie (that's me!) at pick up or drop off (I'm usually there Mondays and Fridays, and Tuesday and Wednesday mornings)
- send me an email at
- send me a message through our WhatsApp group
- send your parent rep a message through your class WhatsApp group
- chat to your parent rep at pick up or drop off
I have some ideas of my own, but I'd rather use my energy organising things that you all actually want, so please bombard me with anything and everything you can think of.
P&F Meetings
Thankyou to everyone who could make our P&F meeting this morning. We were fortunate enough to be joined by Nick McGowan, one of our local members, who wanted to give us a bit of an introduction to who he is, and to see how he might be able to help our community here at MPRPS. Also a big apology if anyone was trying to join us via Zoom as the school internet connection was having difficulties this morning which meant they couldn't get that started at all.
That's all our meetings for Term 2. Our next meeting is scheduled for 9am, Friday 2 August in person and via Zoom (🤞). If you can't make it but have any ideas, feedback or comments you'd like to share, please feel free to email me or reach out to your parent rep.
Cake Raffle
Our cake raffle this week was supplied by the Dowling family, and raised $31.40!
The cake raffle is held every Monday at assembly, with prizes donated by families from across the school. Tickets are 20c each or 6 for $1, and are available for students to purchase at recess each Monday. There is no cake raffle next week due to the public holiday, with just one more remaining for Term 2.
The term 3 and 4 roster sheet will be available on the board at reception very soon.
Cookie Dough
Our cookie dough fundraiser has now closed, thanks to everyone who purchased! Delivery is still expected in the afternoon of Monday June 17, I will let everyone know if there are any delays or changes to that.
Coffee Catch Up
We had our first coffee catch up this week, thanks to everyone who was able to join me for a coffee and a chat. I have scheduled another one for Wednesday 17 July (which is the first week of Term 3). I have also had some feedback about potentially mixing up the days of these, so I would love to know if you're interested in joining us but can't make Wednesdays, what alternative days might suit you. Everyone is welcome to join us at these. They're an opportunity to connect and catch up with other parents across the school.
Secondhand Uniforms
Our next secondhand uniform stall will be in week 3 of Term 3, on Friday 2 August before school and at pick up. If you have any old uniforms lying around that are in good, wearable condition, please consider donating these to the school for resale. The upcoming school holidays are a great opportunity to do a clean out of those too small uniforms taking up space in the cupboard!
Donations can be dropped off to Jane at reception any time. All money raised through our secondhand uniform sales goes back to the school.
P&F Board
Have you seen this week's updates to the P&F board? If you have a group you'd love to share with the community, let me know and we'll showcase it as well. Have an idea for a community group you want to talk through or get started? Let me know and we'll see what we can do!
Want to get in touch?
There are lots of ways to get in touch with me!
Facebook: join the MPRPS facebook group @mprpsparentsandfriends
WhatsApp: join the P&F WhatsApp group
Find me at pick up or drop off
You can also get in touch with our Community Support Representative Jess Walker at for a confidential chat if you need support for any reason.
P&F Coordinator