School Events

What's happening around the school this term?

What's coming up soon?

Whole School Events - Term 2 

*BOLD indicates no classes that day


Wednesday 22nd May - National Simultaneous Storytime @ 11am

Wednesday 5th June - World Environment Day

Friday 7th June - Pupil Free Day – Staff Professional Development

Monday 10th June -  Monarch’s Birthday – School Closure – Public Holiday

Friday 21st June - Pyjama Day - Southern Hemisphere Shortest Day/Longest night

Friday 28th June -  Last Day of Term 2

Term 3

Monday 15th July - First Day of Term 3



World Environment Day


Amreen & Tiwa from Year 5 have been leading a small group to prepare an event for World Environment Day. The 2024 theme is biodiversity and the students have decided on the following action for St Thomas the Apostle PS to recognise the day.


Students are asked to wear Blue or Green to reflect the colours of our earth and the importance of caring for biodiversity. Anyone wearing coloured clothes is asked to bring a gold coin which will be collected and used to send to Environment Victoria who are working on projects to support our local environment.


More information will be sent through the assembly and seesaw for students to be ready for this day (5th of June).