Child Safe & Wellbeing

Child Safe Standard 3 - Children and young people are empowered about their rights, participate in decisions affecting them and are taken seriously.

Dear Families,


As part of our commitment to the Child Safe Standards, each student in our school is taught the importance of identifying five trusted adults they can speak with if they are feeling unsafe for some reason. We encourage students to name adults who are part of different aspects of their life including home, school and other groups to which they belong. A learning experience to create trusted adult hands is one of the ways that students identify and share the names of these people. 


Our students are also taught to understand that they can expect adults to treat them with respect and to engage with them in appropriate ways. When this does not occur, or if they have a concern, students can raise this with one of their trusted adults so that action can be taken to understand what has happened and how this can be resolved. At school, we keep a register of any child safety concerns that are raised so that we can review what happened and so we can identify ways to reduce the likelihood of this situation occurring again.  


Parents should feel empowered to follow up any concerns their child raises at home. You can contact either of our child safe champions - Jen Gulavin  and Peta Overbury - or communicate with another staff member. 


We all have a responsibility to maintain a safe environment for our children.


If you would like to know more about the Child Safe Standards please see the image included.


Have a lovely weekend,


Peta Overbury

Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning





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