Grade 4 Community News

Welcome Grade 4 students, families and community members! It is hard to believe that we are almost at the end of another term. Our Grade 4s have been participating in some amazing activities, excursions and lessons in the past few weeks. We have been astonished by the connections and creativity that they have shown.
In our Read 2 Learn lessons we have been continuing our exploration of Ancient Chinese Dynasties. Students have been finding out about different rulers and dynasties, as well as what they are known for. They have had the opportunity to record their responses on iPads to practise their presentation skills. The background knowledge we are building through this unit is going to be incredibly helpful when we get to study our serial text Dragonkeeper in Week 9. If you are interested in finding out more, ask your student to tell you their favourite dynasty and why!
Our students have been producing some amazing pieces of writing in our Imaginative Narrative unit. They have been building on their prior knowledge of historical narratives in order to extend their writing with language features. As we check in weekly, our students have been able to assess their own writing and determine whether they have made growth in particular areas. We are seeing this growth in real time using our Bump It Up walls. Students have also been incorporating their syntax lessons into their writing every week. They have been focusing on dialogue punctuation, similes and metaphors, and ellipses.
Students have been exploring Australian currency and how to work with money. They have identified different currencies around the world before working with Australian dollars and cents. We have found different combinations of notes and coins that can be used to make different values. We have also determined how to find the total amount of money being spent using vertical addition, as well as finding change by using vertical subtraction. Students have enjoyed being able to explore physical coins and notes, as well as using catalogues to decide what they would like to purchase with their budget.
Our students have been attending Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre in groups of 2 classes or less. They absolutely loved being able to explore different parts of Indigenous culture with the help of an Aboriginal Elder. We had the opportunity to hold different artefacts, touch possum skins and interact with kangaroos and emus. Students were also able to hold and throw boomerangs! Our male students were also able to play a Didgeridoo as it is traditional that only males can play the instrument. We are incredibly lucky that our students were able to experience this, as well as being able to bring in their prior knowledge of the importance of Indigenous culture in Australia.
- Monday 10th of June is a public holiday.
- Please continue to practise multiplication facts at home with your students.
- If your child has not attended Narana Aboriginal Cultural Centre yet, please check compass for details.