Grade 2 Community News

To our grade 2 families!
We are thrilled to share some exciting updates from the Grade 2 classrooms!
Last week we learned about the culturally significant events of National Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week to show allyship and promote learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples history and culture. We coloured cutout hands with the colour of the Aboriginal Flag and displayed them on the lawn at the front of our school.
Last week we started Information Texts and writing a conclusion based on geographical data. We used the information we have learned during Read 2 Learn to interpret the data and write a detailed conclusion. Student have already showed great success with this writing unit and we look forward to seeing more amazing writing pieces.
Last week we finished analysing the texts ‘Fire’ and ‘Flood’ by Jackie French. We compared the purposes, characters, settings, language features and facts. We also learned the difference between facts and opinions and found examples of each in the books.
We have now begun our new Read 2 Learn topic, Geography of Australia. We have started by locating Australia on the map and identifying the different landscapes in Australia, as well as looked at Australia’s capital city Canberra and the city we live in Melbourne. We have also been practicing fluency in our reading. We practiced reading scripts in groups and performed these to our class, focusing on adding expression and using punctuation to help us read fluently.
Last week we were learning about Chance. We used the language of ‘impossible’, ‘unlikely’, ‘even chance’, ‘likely’ and ‘certain’ to describe an outcome. We then conducted chance experiments such as flipping a coin or rolling a dice, predicted the outcome and compared the results.
This week we have started addition and are learning different strategies to solve addition problems. So far we have used double facts, near doubles and the split strategy.
Vocabulary and Morphology
Last week in Morphology, we applied the suffix ‘al’ to nouns and adjectives. We analysed how this changed the meaning of the word and applied the appropriate spelling rule when adding the suffix.
This week we are continuing to look at vocabulary found in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Week 7 vocabulary words
beaming | glowing with happiness |
luscious | when something has a rich and sweet taste. |
sensational | something or someone that is amazing. |
escort | when someone helps to take someone somewhere |
gorge | when someone is feeling greedy and eats too much food |
precise | the exact, right amount |
- Please ensure you are continuing to support your child in getting to school by 8:45am, so that they are not missing any valuable learning time (and can reach their attendance reward goals!)
- The weather is getting colder, so please make sure your child is coming to school with their Tarneit Rise jumper or jacket.
- Term 2 and 3 students are not required to wear hats so please keep these at home until Term 4