French News

Bonjour Parents and Students!
Just like that it is week 8 in term two for our students here at Tarneit Rise Primary School.
We continue to progress, and students stay eager to learn, practice and to explore additional French.
Prep students learned to write simple sentences to introduce their families, they enjoyed the cutting and pasting activity where they practiced recognizing names of different family members. They also consolidated their knowledge in colours.
Grade 1 students learned to describe different emotions in French while acknowledging that French adjectives come with gender. They also learned about words that show good manners in French.
Grade 2 students continued in developing sentences starting with ‘J’aime (I like)‘to talk about what they like to do with their family members in French, they also explored the different languages spoken in Australia by creating a poster about diversity in Australia.
Our grade 3 students concentrated on learning to ask and answer questions about favourite sports, and they created a class data chart about their favourite sports. They also learned how to use common conjunctions in sentences, such as so, and, but, etc.
Grade 4 students enjoyed learning about different Francophone countries around the world, and they started a research project on onefrancophone country of their choice. We can’t wait to see their final product in Week 9!
Our grade 5 were introduced the two irregular verbs “to have” and “to be”, they can now explain what irregular word means comparing to regular verbs as well as conjugating the irregular verbs. They also consolidated their knowledge on preposition and directions.
Our grade 6 revisited the two irregular verbs “to have” and “to be”. They also enjoyed learning about different Francophone countries around the world as well as understanding that there are differences in accents, dialects and vocabulary in different French-speaking communities. They started a research project on comparing two francophone countries of their choice, and we can’t wait to see their final product in week 10!
Please note: If your child is new to learning French or just would like to practice the basics, follow the links below so that they can practice at home 😊
Alphabet song –
Number song -
Color song -
Days of the week -
Months of the year -
Merci (thanks) for reading! We are excited to start the Term 2!!
The French Specialist Team