Visual Arts News

Last week in Visual Arts, the prep students completed a rainbow fish collage and learnt about the element of texture. They coloured and collaged their rainbow fish onto a watercolour background they had painted in the previous lesson. By adding different types of paper for scales, the students were able to add texture and detail to their fish. More recently, the grade preps created a small plasticine caterpillar sculpture based on the story “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. Through this experience, they learnt how to manipulate clay by rolling, pushing and pinching.
Grade 1&2
Last week, the grade ones and twos learnt about natural materials and mixed media artworks. The students collected their own natural materials (leaves, gumnuts, sticks etc.) and used them to create artworks inspired by nature. They used crayons or pastels combined with the natural materials to produce their mixed media piece. This week, the students began a new mixed media project combining the techniques of drawing and weaving with wool. They learnt about llamas and their traditional costumes, using their new knowledge as inspiration for this piece. Students followed a guided drawing of a llama, used markers to add costume details and added sequins to embellish and enhance their work. Next week they will cut slits into their piece so that they can weave a woollen blanket onto their llama or background.
Grade 3&4
Over the last two weeks, the grade threes and fours learnt about the Japanese art of Kintsugi (repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with a lacquer mixed with gold). In their first week, the students created a Kintsugi inspired collaged background by ripping patterned paper and gluing it onto card with gaps/cracks between the pieces. They then used gold paint to fill in the gaps and create the Kintsugi inspired look. In the following week, students used this piece to draw and cut out objects that would usually by made from pottery. They then added details with black marker to complete their collages.
Grade 5&6
Grade five and six students have been learning about warm and cool colours and exploring watercolour paint and pencil mediums. They continued working on their village artworks, creating a warm coloured daytime scene on one half of their page, and a cool coloured night-time scene on the other. Last week, the students began a new art project inspired by graffiti art. They followed steps to write their names in a graffiti style, drawing inspiration from street art images. We were amazed by all the different fonts and styles and the way students used colour in their artworks. They will continue these pieces next week by adding symbols and a background to their work.
Art Team