Connect : Year 3

May 2024

Welcome to another week of Connect! We hope all of our families are feeling well as we have been hit with some germs in the past fortnight. We have been readily using our air filters, sanistiser and have our boxes of tissues. Please let us know if we can support you regarding absences due to illness.

What's coming up?

Monday 3rd June - Friday 7th JuneGrade 3 Swimming all week
Monday 10th JuneKing's Birthday public holiday

Swimming: information came through as a hard copy and via email/Sentral this week. If you have not received anything, please contact your teacher as there is important information. You can find the note also attached directly below. Thank you for your help in getting the ability notices back promptly!

What's happening in the classrooms?

Literacy: This week our mentor text for Reading and Writing has been the book 'Boy' by Phil Cummings. This text has helped us revisit narrative writing, explore onomatopoeia and discuss character traits. We completed a cute directed drawing with some speech bubbles which demonstrate onomatopoeia.


Numeracy: We have started a unit on time, specifically being able to read an analogue clock, reading o'clock, half past, quarter past and to! Next we will focus on five minute intervals and converting analogue time to digital and vice versa. Practising time at home can be a fun way to connect learning to school and can assist making connections on how to tell time with real life events!


Inquiry: To wrap up the unit before the students started their research projects, we have worked on understanding parts of a rainforest, explaining what photosynthesis is and then talking about what happens when humans remove forests. We showed the students the video clip below about the indigenous people of the Amazon. The students were fascinated and we had some amazing discussions about the impacts that we have on the environment.



This week we have begun our work on our 'Ready to Learn' Plans. These plans will assist our students to regulate themselves every day school. Being able to independently regulate and understand ourselves means that we have children who can be ready to be their best in the classroom. We will be guiding the students on how best to use these over the remainder of the term. See Mrs Jung's example below!


Check out what we have been up to!

Maths: On Thursday afternoon, 3A was very lucky to have a visit from Miss Anderson from Grade Two! She worked with Mrs Clough on a problem solving task with the students. It was a brilliant session filled with meaningful discussion, explaining of thinking and showing off some mathematicianskills. Thank you Miss Anderson!

Hoop Time

Last Thursday, Year 3 and 4 students attended the Hoop Time Basketball Tournament at Frankston Basketball Stadium. Skye Primary were represented by 4 mixed teams and it was awesome to see students with a range of basketball experience have such fun time playing, learning  and supporting each other throughout the day. The enthusiasm and team spirit on display was infectious! Big thanks to The Skye Sonics for supplying the team uniforms, all the parents that helped and attended and to Mr. Jackson for organising the day.


Need our emails again? Here they are! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

3A - Amy Jung (M-W)- 

& Taryn Clough (Th & F) - 

3B - Helen Hamill -



We are looking forward to seeing our students ready for the pool next week. 

Have a lovely weekend!


Amy, Taryn & Helen