Year 7

Troy McGown

Peer Support

During Semester 1 Year 7 students were completing SELF with Year 10 Peer Support leaders. Some highlights from Peer Support were making truffle balls, making stress balls, participating in various sports and on the final lesson some of the classes made pizza and ate sausage rolls and party pies.


Upcoming Events

Upcoming events for next term are:

  • Year 7 Badminton 
  • Year 7 Soccer

Special Mentions

Congratulations to the top 23 Green Chronicle winners:

Harrison I.Louis P.
Keely K.Charlotte D.
Mary M.Lara E.
Gabrielle R.Quinn G.
Charlotte B.Zoe H.
Grace D.Jack K.
Alexander M.Alanna L.
Reema R.Matilda M.
Gemma K.Charlotte N.
Vanessa M.Sonny P.
Ayva W.Tyla P.
Finn S. 

Congratulations and good luck to Finn S. (Year 7) and Gordon K. (Year 8), who are going to State Cross Country next term.