Technology in Learning

Tim Chapman

Lilydale Heights College is committed to equipping students with the tools and skills they need to thrive in the digital age. Our approach to technology provides students with access to learning experiences through both their personal devices and school-based specialist computers. 


Students use personal laptop devices for general learning activities at school and at home. The College configures these devices to access the school’s network and provides software such as the Microsoft 365 suite, which students are likely to use in the world of work after graduating.


While families are welcome to purchase a device of their choice for their student’s use in the school (provided that it meets our technical requirements), we highly recommend using the LHC Purchasing Portal to purchase a device for the following reasons:

  • The devices on this Portal have been selected to meet the curriculum and technical requirements of the College and for their ability to withstand school environments. 
  • The selected devices are priced at a special rate for educational institutions and there are options at a range of prices. 
  • Additional warranties can be purchased through the Portal at a low cost to cover damage from drops and liquid spills (this is highly recommended).
  • Technical support and assistance with warranty claims can be provided for devices purchased through the Portal at the College’s ICT Helpdesk. In many cases this significantly reduces the amount of time students are without their device when problems or damage occurs. 

In addition to students' personal devices, the College provides access to specialised Apple iMac computers for specific learning areas such as Art, Media and Visual Communication Design. These iMacs are loaded with software that is typically used in creative industries, such as the Adobe Creative Suite (including Photoshop and Illustrator). We have recently installed an additional classroom with 25 new iMacs to meet the needs of our growing student cohort.


For more information on use of technology at Lilydale Heights College please visit our website or contact the school on 9735 1133.