


Screen time and digital technology use can be part of a healthy lifestyle when it’s balanced with other activities that are good for development and wellbeing.    Here are some tips from www.raisingchildren.net.au


1. Use rules about screen time and use of digital technology 

You can help your child balance screen time by working together on family rules or a family media plan.    Rules might cover:

  • where your child can use digital technology – for example, not in the bedroom at night
  • when your child can use digital technology – for example, once homework is finished
  • how your child can stay safe online – for example, by talking with them about privacy and location settings and personal data safety

It’s OK if your rules include time limits to help your child balance screen time with other things like physical activity.


2. Aim for short screen time sessions

Getting up and moving around is important for your teenage child’s energy levels, development, sleep and overall health and wellbeing.   When your child is using digital technology, it’s best for your child to have short screen time sessions and take regular breaks. 


3. Make physical activity part of your child’s day

Physical activity keeps teenage bodies and minds fit and healthy. Your child needs at least one hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. This might include everyday activities like walking or riding to school, sports like netball and football, or organised fitness activities like exercise classes, swimming and running.


4. Avoid screen time and use of digital technology  before bed

Teenagers need plenty of sleep – 8-10 hours a night.

Screen time and digital technology use before bed can affect how quickly your child falls asleep. If your child avoids screens in the hour before bed, your child is likely to get to sleep more quickly.


5. Keep digital technology out of bedrooms at night

For more info check out: https://raisingchildren.net.au/teens/entertainment-technology/screen-time-healthy-screen-use/healthy-screen-time-teens