First Nations

Taylah Moschetti

Day 5 of 6 at Yarra Ranges Tech School

Five deadly students attended Yarra Ranges Tech School on 4th June for their final session in completing their project. Ella B. and Spencer B. have made an Acknowledgement of Country sign and Rory O. has created a plague for our Creation Story in the Town Square, enabling visitors, staff and students to have a deep understanding of Bunji the Eagle. Takara B.and Mary M. have created a map of First Nations languages in Australia. 

Day 6 of 6 at Yarra Ranges Tech School – Showcase Day!

14th June was showcase day!  Students showcased their work to parents, peers, principals and employees from the Department of Education. This day is a highlight in our calendar, as students feel fulfilled, proud and extremely connected to culture and Country. In the images below you will find: 

  • Ella B. and Spencer B. presenting speeches to a crowd of 50+ people
  • Spencer B.’s work being chosen for school plaques in the surrounding areas
  • Takara B. and Mary M.'s project which is Languages of our Land
  • Spencer B., Mason J. and Ella B.’s project which is an Acknowledgement of Country
  • The Lilydale Heights College Mob at Showcase Day!

We had such an incredible day, and we are so very proud of each student. We look forward to working with Yarra Ranges Tech School next year. 

National Reconciliation Week 

As we gathered to commemorate National Reconciliation Week from 27th May to 3rd June, staff and students reflected on the importance of unity and respect between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians. During SELF classes, students were asked to complete reflective tasks based on this year’s theme, “Now More Than Ever.” A themed based on no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will – and must – continue. Below outlines the winner of each year level and their work.  


As promised in an earlier newsletter, here is a picture of the flagpoles!  

Key significant dates on the calendar:

  • 26 May – National Sorry Day
  • 27 May – 3 June – National Reconciliation Week
  • 3 June – Mabo Day
  • 7 – 14 July – National NAIDOC Week


Taylah Moschetti - First Nations Advocate at Lilydale Heights College. 

Email her at if you ever need a yarn. 

Until the next newsletter update!