Sports Report

Term 2, Week 4

Zone Cross Country

Quirindi PSSA Zone Cross Country was held last Thursday 16th May at Willow Tree Sporting Ground.  All students participating in this event represented their school with pride and we congratulate them on their achievements.   A very special mention to Lachy who has progressed to the next round of competition in Colah next month.  Also a big congratulations to Piper, Joe, Luke, Haidee and Tahlia who hold reserve positions.



Upcoming Events

4th & 5th June NENW Soccer Trials


If your child is in Years 5 and 6 and has an interest in participating in any PSSA sporting activities, they will be given a note to fill in and return.  Please note that all notes must be submitted by the due date as late entries will not be accepted.


Kind regards


Neil Wilcox

PSSA Sport Co-Ordinator

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