Teaching and Learning

TwistED Science
Last week we travelled to Echuca to visit TwistED Science. Our students were treated to a fun-filled and educational two hours at the venue. We participated in a workshop with an educator who led the students through making closed and parallel circuits. Next we explored some phenomenon about air pressure and flight.
We then were let loose on the floor of the general exhibit area and our students were able to engage and explore a host of interative activities and hands-on fun.
After leaving the venue we travelled over to the Moama Adventure Playpark for lunch and a play. We then took a walk and explored the Moama Botanical Gardens, looking at the flora and fauna.
P-2 News from Miss Duffy
Our Mentor Texts over the past two weeks have looked a little different. We have been looking at non-fiction texts and how their organisation is quite distinct and different from tradional picture story books. We have been learning how to use a Contents Page as well as why using diagrams and pictures for reference can improve our ability to understand the text. Last week we looked at a book on how to make paper planes. After looking through the book and identifying the features of it that made it a non-fiction text, we selected a plane to make and then set about flying them around the room.
Year 3-6 News from Mr Collins
As we edge closer to the end of the semester the senior room has been extremely busy working on and finalising everything. We are now knee deep in our speech writing and are looking to turn these into cue cards this week in preparation for the Junior Lions Public Speaking Competition.
In maths we are continuing mental and written multiplication methods with a lot of our warm-ups being centred around times table rotations.
We have moved onto studying flight in integrated studies which many of you would have seen in the newsletter. This week we broke down the history of flight into a timeline and had the kids study different decades and add their own learning to our wall.
I want to thank Lisa, Bree and Lynley for filling in for me when I was away for 2 days. Without these 3 ladies many of the assessments, programs and the trip to the radio would not have been possible. Listening to my Grade 6 superstars represent our wonderful school whilst I was away certainly brought a smile to my face.
Whole School Integrated Studies
Usually the two grades have separate lessons for Integrated Studies. However, last week the two classes combined to learn about the history of the hot air balloon and to make their own replicas using helium filled balloons. The challenge was to create a basket that could be attached to a helium filled balloon and see if we could launch a Freddo Frog into the sky. We discovered that some of our containers were too heavy, but being the scientists and problem solvers that we are, we attached multiple balloons to make our creation fly. The students worked well as teams and were able to explain why our helium filled balloons rose. Luckily, unlike a real hot air balloon, ours were tethered and we were able to bring Freddo back to earth safely. (And then of course eat him!)
Art News from Miss Duffy
It has been very messy in the art room of late. We have been using paper-mache to create bird sculptures. This project has taken several weeks and we can not wait to share our finished sculptures with you all.
MARC News from Mrs Gentry
Please be advised that due to Mrs Gentry taking leave in Term 3, our fortnightly MARC Library Service will not operate until September 5th. It will then visit again on Thursday September 19th. There will therefore be no student borrowing early in the term and we ask that all books borrowed in Term 2 be returned for our final Term 2 MARC session on Thursday June 27th.