From the Office

News From the Principal
Proud does not even begin to describe how I (and our students and staff) feel about these two wonderful school leaders and the amazing job they did on Phoenix FM Radio last Friday afternoon. Last week both of these girls were interviewed on radio in an hour long segment. They spoke about their love for our school, teachers, peers and families. They answered questions about their lives both within and outside of school as well as identifying those they admire. The answers that both of our leaders gave were honest, thoughtful and articulate. They spoke with confidence and candour. Bree, our wonderful business manager also spoke and represented our school extremely well letting the listeners know that Raywood Primary is more than just a school, it is a community of supportive, caring people who are all working with the same goal in mind- to give our students the very best educational opportunities on offer. For anyone that missed the live show, we are to be given an audio file of the segment and we are happy to make copies for those that would like one
Winter Sports
Our Year 3-6 students are off to Colbinabbin on Monday to compete in the Campaspe Small Schools Winter Sports Day. They will join forces with their peers from Colbinabbin, Nanneella, Elmore, OLSH and Goornong Primary Schools to play in their chosen sport (footy, netball or soccer). This day is a great opportunity for our students to mix with other students from small schools as well as play a friendly game or two. Students will need a packed lunch on this day and a drink. Please read the notice on uEducateus with regard other information and travel arrangements.
Student Reports
Our school provides families with a written report each Semester. Our Semester One reports will be sent home in hard copy to families on Wednesday June 26th. They will also be available electronically (on uEducateus) from the afternoon of Wednesday June 26th. We ask families to make time to read through these reports which celebrate the learning achievements of our students and also outline the next steps in their learning. Once you have had an opportunity to read through the report, you are most welcome to arrange a time to come up and chat to your child's teacher about their progress, any concerns, or to have any questions answered. Appointments to chat to a teacher or teachers can be made by ringing the general office, please do not try and "catch" a teacher before or after school without prior arrangements as we often have lessons to prepare or professional learning booked in. We also like to ensure that we have the data and work samples of the students concerned on hand when we chat with families so that all parties can get the best out of the conversation. We are also happy to talk on the phone if coming down to the school is difficult (but once again please arrange a suitable time for this to occur).
Final Week of Term 2
Don't forget that we will hold our last tennis coaching session on Monday June 24th (due to our performance being on the Friday of that week). The session will run from 12 -1pm and anyone is welcome to come along and join in on the fun. Students will then be treated to an end of term special lunch of hotdogs.
PJ Day
On Wednesday June 26th our students and staff are invited to wear their pjs to school. We are holding a movie afternoon and students may also bring along a favourite teddy, pillow or blanket to snuggle up with and enjoy the film. The chosen film is Paper Planes which aligns well with our Integrated Studies theme on Flight (it's like we planned it)! The movie is a G-rated Australian film which tells a story about Dylan, a young boy who lives in Australia, who finds out that he has a talent for making paper planes and dreams of competing in the World Paper Plane Championships in Japan.
Student Performance
We are gearing up for Friday June 28th when our students will perform Alice In Wonderland. We are hoping to have families and community represented in the audience. A reminder that as this is the final day of Term 2, we do have an early dismissal, and parents may wish to take their child/ren home following the performance. If attending the performance, please arrive at school at 12.45pm to ensure that we can begin at 1pm.
Annual Report to our School Community
Every year our school is required to submit an annual report for the year prior. This report outlines our progress in many areas. I am delighted with our school's performance in 2023 in terms of Student Learning, NAPLAN results, Wellbeing and Engagement. This report also includes a list of highlights for the 2023 year. Our students, staff and school community should be proud of our wonderful achievements, they are truly something to be celebrated. To view this report please visit our school website and look under the Plans and Policies Tab.
That's all for this week- Lisa Duffy