
Design and Digital Technology


Having Met Bogo in VR, our Preps are now each getting their own turn to interact with Bogo, feeding him, brushing him, cooking treats, playing fetch and a few other interactive other games.

Grade 1/2

In Grade 1/2 students have been introduced to a new app called Maker's Empire which focuses on 3D design. Through this app students will be able to design and share 3D creations, adding another tool to their inventory in Technology.

Grade 3/4

More and more Grade 3/4 students are mastering Inkscape and Laser Cutting, alongside completing their choice of a VR experience over the term.

Grade 5/6

In Grade 5/6 we have more and more layered creations inching towards completion as well as many more students taking on the challenge of learning to do Vector-Based Design work.

Rocket League

Our Rocket-League tournament is now down to the final 4 teams, with the player skill-level, and teamwork in competitive gameplay both continuing to improve across all our teams. Good luck, and Stay focused people!


Keep making and breaking!


-Mr Taylor and Sooty