Physical Education and Sport

Physical Education

Over the past two weeks, students have been engaged in the following units of work:

Prep – Rolling 

Grade 1 & 2 – Kicking

Grade 3 & 4 – Net/Wall games: modified squash, tennis and volleyball games

Grade 5 & 6 – Net/Wall games, with a specific focus on volleyball

District Cross Country

Congratulations to the 55 students from Grades 3 – 6 who competed at the Montrose District Cross Country Carnival on Friday the 24th of May. All students represented Rolling Hills with pride and demonstrated exemplary behaviour. A special congratulations to the following 7 students who finished in the top 10, to move through and represent the School and Montrose District at the Yarra Division Cross Country on Tuesday the 4th of June:


Anna 3/4S – 2nd 9/10 Girls

Yasmine 3/4P – 4th 9/10 Girls

Ryder 5/6V – 4th 11 Boys

Harper 5/6A – 7th 11 Girls

Cody 5/6V – 3rd 12/13 Boys

Hamish 5/6V – 7th 12/13 Boys

Linley 5/6P – 8th 12/13 Girls

Thank you to Miss Chambers, Mr Caddy and Mr Smith for their help on the day and to Maryanne Wallace for helping as a marshal around the course. Thank you also to the families who came and supported our students.

Interschool Sport

We are still looking for helpers for our Netball, Soccer and T-Ball teams for our 5/6 District Winter Sports Day, to be held on Friday the 21st of June. If your child is in one of these teams, you have a current Working with Children Check and are able to help, please contact me via Compass or email ( A big thank you to our parent helper for our AFL team!


Swimming is an integral part of the Victoria Curriculum and our School Physical Education Program. More importantly, the program aims to provide your child with the necessary skills to be safe in and around water. Dates for our School Swimming Program are listed below. Please consent and pay, or decline, this event by Thursday the 20th of June – or earlier if your circumstances allow. For more information, please refer to the Compass event.

Important Dates


Tuesday 4th – Division Cross Country

Friday 21st – 5/6 District Winter Sports Gala Day



Friday 9th – District Athletics (team will be announced soon)

Monday 12th – 5/6 Hoop Time

Monday 19th – Friday 23rd – Prep to Grade 2 Swimming

Monday 26th – Friday 30th – Grades 3 to 6 Swimming



Tuesday 17th – 3/4 Hoop Time


Kind regards,

Mel Layton

Physical Education Teacher & Sport Coordinator