Principal Report

Dear families,


The end of the Semester is in sight. One big camp completed for our grade 56 students. The report back to me was heaps of fun, chilly mornings, beautiful views, sunny days, and a few extra attendance notes on Compass after the Phillip Island camp. 


Yes, sickness is an issue, and we thank you for being patient with us when we have had to replace teachers and staff at school and thank you for keeping your sick children at home.


Next week our grade 34 students travel to ADANAC camp at Yarra Junction. Aside from the first day the weather report is looking promising. I hope they have an amazing time and stay fit and well this week, so they all make it to camp. 


School Strategic Review 

In weeks 9, 10 and 11 (yes 11!), we will be undertaking a school review. This is an important part of how a school improves, with the outcome being a new school strategic plan that underpins the following 4 years. 


The last strategic plan was developed in February 2020 and had a large focus was placed on improving literacy outcomes for students and further growing numeracy. Highlights during this time have been the outcomes students have achieved over the last few years in both these areas. We have more students showing that they are ahead in literacy and numeracy, and less students requiring support. As we move forward these areas may not be the focus of the next plan. What I can assure you is that over the next four years they will always be important to me and the work we do each day. My aim will be to maintain and improve on the outcomes we have, whilst finding the energy and resources to achieve new goals. 


During week 10 we will host a 'fieldwork day'. Students, parents/carers and staff will be invited to meet the review team through different focus groups. Parent/carer focus groups will be at drop off time on Wednesday 19th June. A future invite will be shared for you to join and share your thoughts with the review team. 


Highlights since our last newsletter?

56A hosted an assembly that was supported by grade 1 students. Grade 1 have been working on recycling and sustainability. The grade 1 students introduced new school bins that would help us separate general waste, mixed recycling, paper and organic waste. After the assembly we have added Fogo bins to classrooms. In time we hope to add composting and the ability to use this on our garden spaces. 


STOMP have continued to get our Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students HipHop ready for next week's assembly. This will be a dance extravaganza out on the Quad. 


We hosted a biggest morning tea for Cancer charities that included a free dress day and yummy food. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the day and made it a success. 


Sporting achievements this week included 60+ students made it through to the District Cross Country race from our school day. A chilly run with many making it through to the next round. Well done all. 


What is coming up this term?

  • Grade 34 Camp to Camp Adanac (5th - 7th June)
  • Grade 34 Science excursions to Quantum (18th and 19th June) 
  • Grade 12 fun night and sleepover (21st June)
  • STOMP dance event and performance (2.30pm Monday June 3rd) for Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 students. 

We also have: 

  • School Disco (27th June)

And in sport we have:

  • Grade 56 Winter Sports Day (21st June)

What an amazing term of exciting events for every level!

