
Biggest Morning Tea

Thankyou to all families who contributed to Rolling Hills Biggest Morning Tea by purchasing a morning tea, donating through My School Connect or sent a gold coin donation on the day for free dress day.

A big shout out to those parents who were able to come and assist on the day to get the orders together. Also thankyou to our 5/6 students who assisted to get tubs to classrooms so our students could enjoy their treats.



Who LOVES pizza???? 

We will be holding our Canteen Pizza Lunch on Monday 17th June.

Orders have gone live on My School Connect today (Friday 31st May) and will close on Friday 7th June at 9pm. Unfortunately no late orders can be accepted, so get in quick!

*Gluten free and vegetarian options available.

I would love some assistance from 11am on the day to prepare and pack orders. If anyone would be interested in assisting, could you please let me know on my email below. 


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at


Kind regards,
