Well with Alice

Dear RHPS community,


This will be my last newsletter article.


In almost 2 years as School Chaplain at Rolling Hills, I have written 34 newsletter articles, I have had about 1000 pastoral care conversations and I have buttered about 6000 slices of toast. I have been able to join classes, camps and events and I have made wonderful connections with staff and students that I will treasure forever.


As I leave, please allow me to remind you of a few key lessons that I have often worked through with students:

-You don't have to be friends with everyone, but try to at least be friendly.

-Focus on what you can control and what you are responsible for, not on that what you cannot control or that which you are not responsible for. Your parents problems are theirs and your friends problems are theirs. All you can do is be a kind and helpful person to them in the ways in which you can help them.

-Eat, drink and sleep enough! 

-You are worthy. You have talents and qualities that the world needs.

-Don't blame others or use words such as 'always' or 'never'. Instead, say: "I feel .... When ...".

-Breathe deeply every day.


Thank you to all the wonderful staff and students at RHPS who have welcomed me with open arms and loved me for the last 2 years. Thank you to everyone in the community for trusting me to pastorally care for your children. Thanks students for all the fun chats and games, I had a blast.


All my love,

Ms. Alice Romijn

School Chaplain