Year 5/6

We are nearly at the end of another productive and exciting term! We are so proud of the effort our 56’s have put into their learning and are looking forward to smashing out the next two weeks (especially to see and hear all about our upcoming home projects)!
Over the past few weeks, we have been continuing our journey through history by learning more about the Age of Exploration. We have explored the endeavours of Christopher Columbus, Magellan and John Cabot, who were all on the journey to discover different parts of the world. We have been able to contextualise our learning by comparing colonisation in Australia with colonisation of the Americas. To finish off our unit, we will be exploring France and the fur trade, Dutch trade and slavery.
We have also been finishing off our persuasive texts and learning how to correctly structure our arguments for maximum impact and conviction. This has included upgrading verbs and nouns, using nominalisations to change nouns to verbs, high modality words and emotive language. We have also been working on the important skills of giving constructive and clear feedback to our peers and using this to revise and improve our texts.
In Maths, we have been focusing on rounding and estimating to check the reasonableness of our calculations. We have also been touching on skills learnt throughout the term by revisiting adding and subtracting decimals and fractions. As always, we have continued to review our multiplication facts by reciting, revising and applying our knowledge.
For Wellbeing, we have continued to look at the character strengths of both ourselves and others. This has involved choosing fiction and real-life characters who demonstrate different strengths and how their actions demonstrate this. Check some of them out below!