Year 3/4

The last three weeks have been a whirlwind. We have finished our novel Storm Boy which took us on an emotional journey and was beautifully written. Throughout the book we studied the authors choices, language and finally we watched the movie and completed a compare and contrast activity.
We also finished our topic unit of geology. The kids gained a lot of knowledge about the earth and how it is shaped over time. We learnt about volcanoes, tectonic plates, layers of the Earth and much more.
In Maths, we have been refining our skills through our daily reviews. Our focus has been on shapes and area. We used tangrams to build and measure as well as some practice drawing and calculating the area of rectangle and L shapes.
As part of reconciliation week, we looked at why it is such an important thing for us to be aware of. Both classes got together and created a beautiful display to join our whole school display that is up in the atrium.
Travis and Wiley