Year 1/2

Last week Grade 1s and Grade 2s journeyed to Kyneton Sports & Aquatic Centre for swimming lessons. Despite the cold weather, students were in high spirits and had a ball both in and out of the water. Highlights included catching the bus, practising survival skills on safety day, and participating in lots of fun games on their final day in the pools. Sending a huge thankyou to our parent helpers, Aaron, Callum and Luke who provided incredible assistance over the week.
Sorry Day
During Reconciliation week, students learnt about the importance of understanding and remembering the shared histories, cultures and achievements our country has achieved in the reconciliation of Australia. We read a book by Carol Vass called Sorry Day, where students were exposed to the significance of the Stolen Generation and acknowledged the strength of the survivors. We reflected on how we can all play a part in the healing process for Indigenous people. The whole school contributed to a ‘Sorry Day’ activity that is now on display in the atrium. Please feel free to come have a look.
Natural Disaster Projects
This term students have been exploring and learning about different natural disasters. To showcase their understanding, students were asked to choose a disaster of their choice and present their findings to their class. Students used their creative flair in designing an array of different projects, including posters, slideshows, booklets, even some dioramas. Teachers were blown away by the effort and work that went into these projects, which are now on display in the Atrium for families to view.