Year 6 Team

Welcome to this week’s getting to know our Lancefield Primary School Staff.  This week Lachlan and Clancy interviewed Andrew to find out what makes him tick. 

His most embarrassing moment: “I was once walking through the Fitzroy Gardens in the city after a game of football at the MCG and without knowing I walked through the middle of someone's wedding”.

Why he likes teaching: “I like how fun the job is. I genuinely get to spend all day having fun and I think that's very lucky”.

His biggest challenge in teaching: “The biggest challenge is that the job is never finished, there is always the feeling that you could always do more and you know there is always stuff that you can do and there’s always extra tasks you can find”. 

His favourite student: “The thing is we can't answer that, one of the rules of graduating from university is that you will never ever acknowledge that you have favourite students. Although in saying that, Thomas in grade 6, Tilly in 3 and Zeke in prep are all pretty cool’’. 

His favourite LPS colleague: “Us male primary teachers are a rare breed so we have to stick together so Travis and Wiley are my faves”. 

What occupies his time away from work: “I like cooking, playing golf and being a taxi service to my children's sports events”. 

His AFL team: “I barrack for Collingwood and the short answer about why is that I just wanted to annoy my parents”.


This week Kelly and Hazel sat down to find out all they could about Celeste. This is what she had to say:


The most embarrassing thing that has happened to me was one time when I called my teacher ‘mum’ because everyone heard and they all laughed.


My favourite thing about being a teacher is the children because they can make me laugh. I chose to become a teacher because of the connections you build with the students.  


The hardest thing about being a teacher is fitting in all the curriculum and making sure it is meaningful for all students.


The thing that makes me laugh is the children because they all tell such funny jokes and make me smile.


I don’t follow any sports at all because it’s just not my area of interest.


My favourite place to go on holidays is always the beach because I like the water. It’s so refreshing in summer. 


In my spare time I like to go walking outside because of the fresh air and being in nature.