Our Kimochi family is growing! In the later weeks of this term three new characters will be introduced to our students- Hero, Clover and Bella Rose. (Thanks again to the Soper family for their donation of funds to purchase Hero for LPS)
Hero is the service dog and natural leader in the Kimochis pack. He is protective, handsome, loyal, and always up for an adventure. Like many dogs, Hero gets distracted by certain smells, excited by noises, and overly protective when he senses danger. When Hero gets a little nervous and impatient, he tends to bark out commands that usually startle his friends. Hero needs to learn that even though his bark might be worse than his bite, finding a gentler tone of voice will always guide him where he wants to go a lot faster with his friends and family.
Clover might sleep late, miss the bus, or forget your birthday but he always has the best intentions. Forgetful, a bit careless, but always kind, Clover is a four-leafed friend that doesn’t always have the best of luck. You might call Clover happy go not lucky. Clover’s biggest challenge is to remember to bring his lucky ladybug, Howard, with him because he can use all the luck he can get!
Bella Rose is very sweet and conscientious of others. Bella Rose’s sensitive side and ability to empathise, helps friends get along. Being sensitive can be a blessing, but it can also be a challenge. When Bella Rose’s feelings get hurt she has a hard time expressing herself.
1 IN 15,000 people will get Prada-Willi Syndrome. PWS is a rare and complex non-inherited genetic disorder in which several genes on the 15th chromosome are deleted or unexpressed. It impedes growth, metabolism, IQ and cognitive function. Most of the symptoms associated with PWS are believed to be caused, in part by a flaw in the hypothalamus; an important supervisory center in the brain that controls metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, the development of muscle tone, the regulation of the sleep/wake cycle, body temperature, blood pressure, heartbeat, the expression of emotions, a person's mood, the feeling of pain, the feeling of hunger/fullness and many more functions of the body. PWS cannot be prevented and it has no cure... yet!
Some current vacancies are available for Physio and Occupational Therapy through Sunbury and Community Health. Please get in touch to make an appointment.
Also on offer at the moment 'What's going on with boys?' The Man Cave are presenting an information session for parents, carers and mentors of young people on Tuesday 18th June. Scan the QR code or go to www.surveymonkey.com/r/ManCaveHume to book or for more information email: healthpromotion@scch.org.au
A conversation on disasters and wellbeing for children’s recovery
Tuesday, 25 June 2024 | 06:45 PM to 08:30 PM
Join Michelle Roberts – psychologist, teacher and child disaster consultant – for a conversation about the impacts of a disaster and community trauma on children and families, and how you can best support recovery.
Michelle will discuss the ongoing psychosocial needs of children following a disaster and how school communities, community groups and families can work together to help prioritise and support children’s needs.
Michelle has decades of experience as an educator and psychologist supporting school communities and is the co-chair of the National Infant and Child Disaster Mental Health Committee.
This event is free, with a light supper provided. Registrations are essential for catering purposes. Register here: TicketSearch Online