Physical Education

Hi friends & families!
As the wheels and cogs of the term start to slow down and the once-faint scent of the holidays becomes more aromatic (not quite sure what holidays smell like but it just felt like a rather poetic way to describe this feeling)… we have time to reflect on the term that was known as two. It really has been a great term, with Hanging Rock Cross Country and a school athletics carnival thrown in for good measure. So, let's look at the highlights of the term!
PREPS – DANCING!! DANCING!! DANCING!! Seriously, this cohort of 5-6 years are such a wonderful bunch of humans. Most PE lessons begin with a proper dance off, we get the blood pumping and the moves that come out are out of this world (and that’s just my dancing, you should see the kids!) We’ve had a really great time in PE, I’ve given the kids the opportunity to learn and play a huge range of games using loads of fun equipment all the while developing a better understanding of how to be a fair player and a good teammate.
1/2s – This term was great fun with the 1/2s. I’m absolutely loving watching these kids grow and develop their sporting skills and understanding of how to play in a team. The best part is the determination and grit so many kids have when it comes to learning a new sport or skill. I’m continuously impressed by this and it has been the highlight for me…oh, and the newly discovered love of footy that so many of the students have discovered. Future AFLW players in the making!!
3-6s – This term we had a real athletics focus with the highlight definitely being the loan (thanks Erin Rose!!) of the HIGHJUMP EQUIPMENT!! So. Much. Fun. We only got about 3 weeks training in but we have some genuinely good jumpers in our midst… as well as the stunt people I have previously mentioned who threw themselves over the bar with a real Hollywood-esque style.
Thanks again to all the wonderful people who helped on the day of the carnival, it made all the difference especially when you packed up for me at the end.
Thanks everyone and enjoy everything!