Education in Faith
Michela Vella
Education in Faith
Michela Vella
Last week we saw 2EB participate in their Class Prayer Service. This week we had our final Junior Prayer Services with students in 1JM and 1EB proudly hosting.
We thank the families who were able to attend, the children who worked so hard to prepare and the teachers for planning this opportunity to gather and pray together. We also extended an invitation to the OLA/St Agnes Care for the Common Home Group, and it was lovely to receive such beautiful words.
Dear Richard and Staff,
Thanks so much for the invitations to the Grade 1s 'Creation is all around us' prayer services. Tony, Julie and I were very impressed and touched to join with you, Mrs Montebruno, Grade 1JM students and families. I agree with Tony's comment that your school community is so blessed by each other and the facilities available to you, blessings and facilities are not available to so many students around Australia and the world. Thanks again for a lovely Prayer Service.
Adrian - OLA/St Agnes Care for our Common Home Group
As Mini Vinnies we support those who are less fortunate than ourselves.
This term, we will support people in our local community by donating non-perishable food, toiletries and clothing. Some ideas are:
Please bring in any donations to your child/ren's classrooms by Friday 21 June.
Thank you!
From the Grade 6 Mini Vinnie Leaders
Aston P, Mia M, Emilie V, Leanne P, Harry, F, and Ciara P
Michela Vella
Religious Education Leader