From the Classroom

A Fantastic Start to Grade 2!
What a busy and exciting start to the year we’ve had in Grade 2!
We’ve been getting creative with hands-on activities like making play dough and using invisible ink to write our names. In maths, we’ve explored place value and practised adding two numbers together to solve problems.
In literacy, we’ve enjoyed reading Hey, Little Ant and have been writing sentences to match our story pictures, using adjectives and adverbs to make our writing more descriptive.
Our theme this term has been minibeasts, and we’ve loved learning about these fascinating creatures. We created ‘Who am I?’ books and, together with the Foundation–2 students, explored our playground to discover all sorts of tiny critters!
In music, we’ve started learning about rhythm by copying patterns on drums and playing songs using Boomwhackers.
We are also looking forward to some exciting upcoming events, including the school Cross Country and Harmony Day celebrations.
It has been a fantastic start to the year, and we can’t wait for more fun learning ahead!
Grade 3/4 Pete Cromer Collages
The Grade 3/4 students have spent the last few weeks learning about Australian artist Pete Cromer. They are putting their final touches on their own Australian animal collages this week, and then they will be displayed in the learning street. Students looked at the different ways that Pete Cromer incorporates colour and shape into his collages, and uses layering to add detail and interest. Well done to all students for putting their own flair and style into their artworks, they all look fantastic.
Art Room is Open!
The art room is open for free choice art activities every Thursday at lunchtime. We had a huge turnout on our first day! Everyone welcome.