@ St John's
Hello and welcome to the exciting world of STEM!
Welcome to STEM,
I am very happy to be back teaching STEM this term. Thank you to Mrs Ramsden for filing in for me whilst I was away. I was a little jealous that I didn't get to teach Robotics and the Bridges unit, but it looked like everyone enjoyed the challenges of the unit of work. Also, thank you to everyone who has sent in recycled materials for us to use, your donations have been much appreciated. If anyone has any access to corflute (old election signs) we would greatly appreciate them for our STEM projects.
We began the term learning about the planets in the Solar System to celebrate National Space Week. Students learnt about the characteristics of each planet and whether they are gaseous (made from gases) or terrestrial (made from rocks and earth).
After learning about the planets, students have begun looking at wind energy, what it is, and how it can be used. They have also linked this learning to the Three Little Pigs, and worked on designing and building a paper houses that can withstand the force of the Big Bad Wolf (my hair dryer!) Soon we will be begin designing and making vehicles and seeing how far they can go and how much weight they can carry. In these lessons students will learn about how factors such as force, weight, size and shape can impact how efficiently an object can move.
Year 5/6
Year 5 and 6 students began the term learning about space, NASA, Space X and the role of the International Space Station and it's impact on our daily lives. Using this knowledge students have been working on making their own models of the International Space Station. After we have completed this unit, students will go on to design and make vehicles and will discover how force, weight, size and shape can impact how efficiently an object can move.
STEM Timetable
3/4 Timperley
5/6 Frewen
3/4 Johnson
5/6 McKernan
1/2 King
1/2 Robinson
Email - lhamilton@sjeuroa.catholic.edu.au
Have a great week!
Mrs Hamilton