Team Foundation News

Bricks 4 Kidz incursion
On Monday 14th of October, Derick from Bricks 4 Kidz incursions came to Boroondara Park Primary to run a creative Lego building session with the Foundation students. The purpose of this incursion was to allow the students to use their creative minds to design a scene from a narrative story which contained characters, a setting, props, etc. In the next few weeks the Foundation students will be using a photograph of this scene to support them to write their own original narrative story.
At the beginning of the session, Derick introduced the grade to all of the different Lego pieces that they could use in their design. They were encouraged to use a base plate to begin their creation as well as include more than two Lego figures in their scene. Students had an opportunity to walk around the room and look carefully at all of the different Lego pieces that they could use. They also had a chance to talk about the ideas that they had before they began their creation.
And then the FUN began! FKJ students worked for a solid hour, building their marvellous Lego constructions. They all worked hard thinking of their best designs, making, amending their ideas and looking for the best Lego pieces for their creation.
After one hour, the grade had a well-deserved brain break, and after this rest they had a chance to share their creations with their classmates. Students were encouraged to explain what they had made and all the different components of their piece. They were also given some verbal feedback from their peers regarding their design. While each person shared their creations the rest of the class was encouraged to offer suggestions of ways that they could improve their design. Students could choose to use these suggestions or not use these ideas.
After this sharing session, students were given fifteen more minutes to complete their Lego creations. Photographs were then taken of these individual pieces and then everyone helped to clean up.
At the end of the clean up process, students had a chance to share their most memorable part of the Bricks 4 Kidz incursion. All the students then thanked Derick for his support and coming to our school for the session.
Below are photographs of the final creations as well as a reflection on this experience from all the FKJ students.
What did you make and what did you enjoy about the Bricks 4 Kidz incursion?
Chloe – I made an ice-cream shop. I enjoyed meeting Derick and using his Lego.
Rosha - I made a house with doors, couches and rooms. I enjoyed making my house creation.
Heather – I made a swimming pool, a skate park and a magic wand shop. I really enjoyed playing with the Lego and making Lego people and the magic wands.
Rayan – I made a cave with gold, silver, iron and stones inside. I also made a truck that can move these metals out of the cave. I enjoyed building with the Lego.
Alex – I made four fountains, one junk shop and a house. I really enjoyed building the fountains.
Ellery – I built a park with a mountain with a gold trophy on top. I also built a house and a car that is out of control! I really enjoyed building my house and car out of Lego.
Tida – I made a desert with a blue shield that tricks people, a spaceship and a ladder. I really enjoyed making the spaceship.
Hannah – I made a castle with soldiers and a flag. I enjoyed seeing other people's creations.
Mia – I made a house with people with a shelf with wands, magnifying glasses, a piece of magic and cups. I loved every bit of the incursion!
Adrian – I made a city with a cinema and a supermarket. I really liked using the roads to make my big city.
Alicia – I built a pirate house. The house has a pirate hide-out and a pirate car. I really enjoyed building my pirate house.
Bella – I built an out of space city house. Inside were two boats, a kitchen and a secret room with secret stuff (I can't tell you because it's a secret!) I really liked having FUN during the incursion!
Dakota – I made a unit. Inside was a living room, a kitchen, a basement and a boat. I really liked building my own unit.
Term 4 Foundation Stars
Week 1 - Hannah
In Week 1 Hannah was the first Foundation Star for Term 4. Hannah shared a number of lovely photos in her Timeline. By looking carefully at the photos on her timeline we all learnt that she was born in the United States of America, she has visited Hawaii a few times and she moved to Australia when she was three years old. When Hannah shared her Personal Showbag we learnt that she really likes mermaids and monster trucks. She also has a large doll house at home that she likes to play with and she really likes to watch the Disney movie called 'Moana'. For her Personal Skill, Hannah showed us how to make a Fairy Garden using colourful buttons, mini mushrooms and a fairy ornament. Everyone was so impressed with Hannah's skill and wanted to learn how to make their own fairy garden! Well done Hannah for sharing your life with us!
We will look forward to seeing future Foundation Star presentations in Term 4. Thank you once again to Hannah's family for supporting her with this activity!
Miss Jones
Foundation Teacher