
The Children's Book Council of Australia (CBCA) Book Week® turns 80 in 2025!
SAVE THE DATE 16-23 August 2025
Theme - Book an Adventure
We look forward to celebrating a very special milestone in 2025 with you and the CBCA for 80 years of Children’s Book Week®! For eight decades, CBCA has been dedicated to inspiring young minds to journey through the countless worlds that books offer.
Join us in celebrating this milestone year and continue fostering a lifelong love of reading!
Book an adventure with us now that we have put our magic case away as part of wrapping up the 2024 Children's Book Week® "Reading is Magic" theme.
It's time to pull out a different kind of case... Meet this year's talented artist and award-winning Australian picture book illustrator, Jess McGeachin | Illustrator & Author — Melbourne, Australia
Jess’s imaginative artwork reflects this mission perfectly, encouraging children to set off on adventures through time, lands, and imagination. 2025 CBCA Book Week theme announcement - YouTube
Guess How Many Non-Fiction Books Competiton
The WINNER is..
Congratulations Delilah F 3AT for magnificently guessing the closest number of
Non-Fiction books in the library. Delilah, please collect 500 points and your small prize in the library.
Please return your overdue library books or pay $20 for the replacement cost of each book at the School Office.
Please carefully check your library books before returning it to our library. Our barcode has 5 digits.
Grade 6 parents, please help us to return your library books before the end of the year.
Thank you, please contact me if you have any queries.
Thank you, May Vos-Rutter