From the 5/6 Classrooms

As we embark on Term 4, we are excited to introduce two engaging focuses for the term: “Data and Decisions” and a deep dive into Poetry. These topics will encourage our students to think critically and creatively as they navigate important concepts in finance and literature.
Data and Decisions
Rationale for Our Topic:
Understanding the consequences of financial decisions is crucial for developing responsible, informed citizens. This term, students will learn to think critically about their choices, enabling them to participate meaningfully in the world of business and economics.
Essential Questions:
Throughout the term, our exploration will center around several key questions:
What is the difference between needs and wants?
- Students will learn to distinguish between essentials necessary for survival and additional items that enhance their quality of life.
What are the types of resources that we have, and how do we use them?
- We’ll investigate natural, human, and capital resources, discussing effective management and utilization.
What is the nature and meaning of work?
- By examining various careers and the skills they require, students will gain an appreciation for the value of work and its role in our economy.
How do you put together a business plan?
- In a hands-on project, students will learn the components of a business plan, including market research, budgeting, and strategy, allowing them to conceptualize their own business ideas.
Smoothie Incursion
This week, our students participated in a thrilling incursion called The Smoothie Bar, where they transformed into young entrepreneurs! This hands-on experience guided them through the exciting process of designing, creating, and marketing their very own smoothie company.
Students were able to focus on the following:
- Product Design: Students brainstormed and investigated customer preferences, developing unique smoothie recipes and refining their blends through two taste-testings.
- Cost and Profit Analysis: Teams calculated the cost of their ingredients and considered pricing strategies to ensure a profitable product.
- Marketing: Students created marketing materials to promote their product and brand.
- The Pitch: The program culminated in a high-stakes pitch session, where teams presented to a panel of "sharks" (teacher judges).
- Healthy Choices: The incursion encouraged students to make informed healthy choices.
English - The ABC Book of Poetry
In conjunction with our focus on financial literacy, students will also engage with Poetry during reading and writing. They will analyze selections from the ABC Book of AustralianPoetry, an anthology that showcases a rich variety of poetic structures, themes, perspectives, and voices.
Key Focus Areas:
Historical Context: Students will explore Australian bush ballads from the 1800s, lyric poetry from the 1900s, and contemporary free verse, helping them understand how poetry has evolved over time.
Themes and Settings: We will examine the settings, themes, and perspectives present in various poems, discussing how these elements have changed and been revised throughout history.
Significance of Poetry: Engaging activities will encourage students to explore the importance of specific poems, fostering a deeper connection with the texts.
In Numeracy this week one of the skills we have been working on is converting between 12 hour time and 24 hour time. Students created a schedule from midnight to midnight, where they could do anything they wanted.