Principal's Report

Work Habits Review
The College is currently undertaking a review of the Work Habits used for our Assessment and Reporting practices.
As the next step in activating greater student agency in becoming independent learners and leveraging the implementation of the Student Learner Model that supplements the Lesson Framework, we sought feedback from students about what learning behaviours they would like to include in the future that acknowledge their efforts and achievements.
This was facilitated through Student Forums held on Wednesday that interested students were invited to join.
We will also be running a parent forum to find out more about what you, as parents, value in terms of feedback about your children's learning behaviours. This is your opportunity to have input in how staff at Brentwood report on work habits and learning behaviours, especially within the Progress Reports and the End of Semester Report.
The details for the Parent Forum to be run on Monday 9th September and registration details can be found in your Compass newsfeed or via Parent Forum Sign Up (
Student Forums
In weeks 9 & 10 of this term we will once again be running student forums as a way to gain a deeper perspective on student experiences at Brentwood.
Students from all years have been asked to volunteer and self- nominate to be part of our forums.
This student forum will focus on getting a student perspective on responses from the recent Attitude to School Survey in the area of respect for peers, respect for teachers and respect for diversity. In addition, we will be seeking your general feedback on other topics and an opportunity to provide your general feedback.
In the past student feedback has informed improvements to student toilets, yard duty staffing, improving facilities and the ongoing development of daily, weekly lesson plans and our camps program
Market Day
Tuesday 3rd of September was our Market Day. Building on the success of previous years the VCE Business Management, Accounting and VM students planned and delivered a successful range of tasty items to consume and activities for the wider school community to engage in.
To participate, enjoy the day and make purchases of the varied food and activities, students purchased ‘Brentwood Bucks’ minted by our partnership with the Monash Tech School. The TLC building and grassy knoll were full of energy and enthusiasm and the event like all those led by students contributed to building community and school spirit.
Sonja Ardley
Associate Principal