Dates  to Remember

Term Dates 2024

Term 1Monday 29th January - Thursday 28th March
Term 2 Monday 15th April - Friday 28th June
Term 3Monday 15th July - Friday 20th September
Term 4Monday 7th October - Friday 20th December (Student's finish 17th December)

Camp Dates 2024

Term 4 
Year 3 Camp - Stringybark Lodge, Gembrook

Wednesday 6th November 

(after Melbourne Cup public holiday)


Monday 7thTerm 4 Commences
Friday 11thKnox Division Girls Basketball 
Friday 18thKnox Division Cricket
Friday 18thKnox Division Tennis
Tuesday 22ndWhole School Concert Dress Rehearsal at Crossways
Tuesday 22nd

St Simon's Production Night 1 - Crossways - East Burwood

Student arrival at Crossways: 6.45pm

Production commences: 7.15pm

Wednesday 23rdKnox Division Softball
Wednesday 23rd

St Simon's Production Night 2 - Crossways - East Burwood

Student arrival at Crossways: 6.45pm

Production commences: 7.15pm

Thursday 24thSchool Closure Day:  Staff PD Religious Education
Thursday24th Eastern Regional Athletics Championships  (school closure day) Students can still attend the Regional Athletics on this day
Wednesday 30th 2025 Preps - Story time at St Simon's 9am - 10am


Friday 1st Knox Division Rugby 
Monday 4thSchool Closure Day
Tuesday 5th School Closure Day - Melbourne Cup Day 
Wednesday 6thYear 3 Camp - Stringybark Lodge, Gembrook
Friday 8thCanteen Closed
Monday 11thRemembrance Day
Monday 11th2025 Preps Transition Session 1    9am - 10.30am
Tuesday 19th2025 Preps Transition Session 2    9am - 10.30am
Wednesday 20th2025 Prep Parent Information Evening 7pm (School Library)
Wednesday 27th2025 Preps Transition Session 3    9am - 10.30am


Friday 13thYear 6 Graduation Mass
Tuesday 17th Last day of school - Students last day

January 2025

Tuesday 28thTeachers resume (no students)
Wednesday 29thStudents Year 1 - Year 6 meet & greet appointments
Thursday 30thAll students  Year 1 - Year 6 return
Friday 31st Preps commence