St Simon Container Recycling Program
This year, St.Simons is starting a new approach on recycling. We are starting the container recycling program in conjunction with the Victorian Container Deposit Scheme. Our aim is to increase recycling and reduce litter in our school and community.
We’re going to call it ‘Can it’.
This year we’ll be collecting cans, juice containers and boxes and bottles to recycle at our local recycling depot. They can be juice boxes more than 150ml, empty canned drinks and plastic bottles. It is a good way to recycle our old containers to make new materials rather than just putting them into the landfill. It is part of moving forward to a more ‘green’ Australia.
Currently, St Simon has recycled over 380 bottles in the last month which was a great effort of our students recycling their canteen pop tops, flavoured milk cartons and bottles from home.
If you have any spare cans or bottles at home, please bring them in and place it in our green “Can It” bin in the school, we would much appreciate it as it will help us and the community a lot.