Deputy Principal News: Assessment at St Joseph's
Assessment at St Joseph's
Throughout the school year, we collect a variety of data to track student growth. Our teachers gather important information about students, which helps shape our teaching methods and identify areas that need review or reteaching.
As we approach November, we dedicate significant time to assessing key areas of the curriculum. At the start of the term, our leadership team review and refine the assessment schedule and make any necessary adjustments. The end-of-year assessment cycle is a major effort for the entire school, and much of the Semester Two reports are based on the data collected during this time.
At St Joseph’s we use checklists, observation notes, student work samples and assessments to inform our teaching of English and Mathematics. We use a range of standardised assessments that are research-informed, provide data on growth and what the next steps are in the learning journey. Assessments are either conducted as a whole class or in a one-on-one setting. We continually refine our assessment schedule, ensuring we follow the best and most current research-informed educational practice.
We are incredibly fortunate to facilitate the opportunities for all of our classroom teachers to meet one on one with their students to assess their development thus far. During and after the assessment period, we also have the opportunity to meet with teachers one on one to discuss their assessment results. These discussions tend to focus on the growth made by students in each class, and the strategies that allowed students to flourish. We also analyse areas where we can also grow and improve on as a school, and identify important ideas and strategies that can lead us to improve in these areas, and set our students up for future success, in 2025.
Life at St Joseph's is always busy, but taking time to reflect on our achievements as a school, cohort, and class is invaluable. We deeply appreciate our teachers for their dedication and their openness in discussing both successes, and areas for growth. These discussions are conducted in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.
On 29th November, during our 2025 planning day, teachers will review and analyse the assessment data collected throughout the month. They will be supported in reflecting on student progress and mapping it against the Victorian Curriculum. This uninterrupted time for reflection is rare and highly valued by our staff. We are grateful to our families for their understanding and support of this day.
Tom Hartney
Deputy Principal and Teaching and Learning Leader