Catholic Identity
Almighty God
We give you our school.
We give you all the teachers and staff who work here,
We give you all the children who learn here.
We pray our school will continue to be a place of great discovery, adventure and creativity. May it be a place where we love to learn and where we learn to love,
A place where every one is respected and all are deeply valued.
We ask all this through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Weekday Masses
This term, we will continue holding Wednesday class Masses for each year level. Mass begins at 9:30 a.m. and all families are welcome to attend. Next week, our Year 4 students will be participating in the Mass on Wednesday.
Father Junjun Visits
Father Junjun continues to visit our students in their classrooms every fortnight. This week, he spent time with the Year 3 students, sharing his experiences as a priest and answering their questions.