Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Carers
As we come to the end of another vibrant and fulfilling term, I would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the achievements of our students and the collective efforts of our school community. It has been a term filled with academic growth, co-curricular successes, and memorable moments that highlight the strength and spirit of our school.
Alongside our academic program, students have been encouraged to explore new opportunities and learn from a variety of experiences. These include the Cambridge Scholars’ Program, the Year 8 Exchange Program with Pymble Ladies’ College and Redlands College, NAIDOC Week celebrations, Opus Concerts, the Year 6 Canberra Tour, On the Green, Book Week and many more. Additionally, our Year 12 and Prep students marked significant milestones – the Prep students celebrated their first 100 days of school, while our Year 12 students acknowledged their final 100 days. As Year 12 students prepare for their trial ATAR exams in the second week of the holidays, I wish them all the best in using this opportunity as a key step toward their external exams.
Thank you to all the parents who took the time to participate in the recent MMG Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve and shape the future of our school. We are currently awaiting the compiled results and will carefully review the data once it is received. We look forward to sharing key insights with you in the coming term. As always, your continued involvement and support are greatly appreciated.
During the holiday break, our campus will remain active with the usual maintenance and refreshment projects. The construction of the Design Technology Workshop and new classrooms is progressing well and will continue throughout the break. In addition, several activities will be held on campus, including tennis clinics and Code Camp.
Finally, we extend our best wishes to Mrs Sam Lennon who will be on Long Service Leave during Term 4. During her absence Mr Noah Castellaro will be stepping in to manage Sam’s classes, and Ms Mariella Gibson will assume the role of Acting Gibson House Leader for the term.
I wish you all a wonderful holiday break and trust you find some time to enjoy this delightful Queensland spring weather.
Kind regards
Dr Andrew Cousins