Restructuring for the future
Restructuring for the future
This year as a College, we have been participating in two programs run by the Association of Independent Schools in NSW (AISNSW), the first program is a year-long program looking at wellbeing of students and staff. We have had a small team of staff across Primary and Secondary headed up by our College Counsellor Geoff McLean using the AISNSW wellbeing framework to examine our culture and practices in the wellbeing space. This has helped us to identify our strengths as a College and also some areas for improvement. The other program is the Effective School program which is a two-year program that helps us as a school to align our vision, values and vision for learning and then using our data that we collect as a school and choose an area for improvement in the teaching and learning space.
Through our participation in both of these programs, it has become clear that in order to help us better improve how we do wellbeing and our teaching and learning needs, that we need a restructure of our Leadership Team for 2025 onwards. As a Leadership Team, we have been working with our staff consulting and receiving expressions of interest and conducting interviews with our staff. We had incredibly strong applications from staff and managed to fill all positions internally. I am pleased to announce the following new positions and the Leadership Team for 2025.
New positions
Head of Academic Administration – Leads the increasingly large area of the systems and administration that needs to occur to help the teaching and learning function within a school.
Wellbeing Leaders (Primary and Secondary) – These are both proactive roles, they will be developing our social, emotional learning curriculum, and wellbeing programs as well as reactive in working with students who have wellbeing and discipline needs.
Learning Leaders (Primary and Secondary) – These leaders are focussing on the quality of our teaching and learning programs within the College, ensuring that we are using data well, implementing pedagogy, making sure that we are fulfilling our NESA curriculum requirements, and teaching and learning is delivered from a Biblical worldview.
Wellbeing Coordinators (Primary) – Stage Coordinators in Primary School have been replaced with Wellbeing Coordinators who will do the initial triage of wellbeing issues within the Primary School as well as work with the Wellbeing Leader in creating proactive programs for the Stage.
New Leaders
Mrs Lisa Dumicich
Interim Principal