Term 4, 2024
Curriculum News - Year 3
Term 4, 2024
Curriculum News - Year 3
Welcome to term 4, we have a fun and busy term planned with our arcade game construction and a Brickworks incursion in Week 9.
Transdisciplinary Theme
How the world works
Central Idea
Innovation affects society and the environment
Lines of inquiry
Transdisciplinary Theme
How we organise ourselves
Central Idea:
People form communities based on their needs and resources
Lines of inquiry:
This Term, Year 3 students will continue to work on their SMART Spelling looking at various plural rules, adding suffixes to words and graphs and digraphs.
During our Guided reading sessions, the students will continue to work on various comprehension strategies such as rereading and using their prior knowledge to infer meaning. The students will read fiction and non-fiction books during Guided reading sessions and look at the features of each text type. They will continue to complete their weekly grammar and comprehension activities on Literacy Planet to support their reading and writing.
During our writing sessions, we will build on our knowledge of Information reports looking at the Traits of organisation and word choice. We will also be covering procedural texts and how to write instructions on how to play their arcade games. The student’s Writer’s notebook will continue to be a safe place for the students to experiment with various writing styles and build an endless list of writing ideas.
During handwriting sessions, the focus will continue to be on joined writing and letter formation in preparation for students obtaining their Joining Licence.
Speaking & Listening
The students will focus on preparing an oral presentation on an inventor of their choice. The students will prepare a PowerPoint to enhance their presentation.
During Term 4, the students will continue to focus on and revise the four processes. Activities will include number sense games, Matharoo (worded problems), automatic response and formal practice of strategies using larger numbers. For example, vertical addition with regrouping.
During Term 4 we will focus on mapping. The students will develop their understanding of coordinates and scale. The students will also revise directional language such as left and right and north, south, east and west.
The students will learn a variety of ways to display information in the form of graphs. They will learn to create and analyse bar graphs, line graphs and column graphs. They will be given the opportunity to formulate their own questions and collect data to display in a graph of their choice. They will draw graphs in their Maths books and use excel to create graphs on the laptops.
In Term 4 the students will also explore the language of chance. They will play games such as ‘Greedy Pig’ and ‘Heads and Tails’ to further illustrate the concept.
October: Inquirers, we nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
November: Principled, we are fair, acting with integrity and honesty. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
December: Knowledgeable, we develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global significance
As part of our Wellbeing Program in Year 3 we will begin the government mandated Resilience Rights & Respectful Relationships lessons in Week 1, Term 4. We will focus only on Topic 7.