After a whirlwind three weeks of new bell times, new uniforms and new classes, it is starting to feel much more settled around our school. We are very pleased that students are on the whole making an effort to wear their hats. In a climate such as ours, sun safety is of paramount importance and students should have hats with them at recess and lunch times to ensure that they have coverage when out in the sun. While sitting in the shade they are not required to wear them of course but nevertheless all students should have a hat with them. We appreciate that some families have not been able to access all items of the new uniform, however our patience will be rewarded and items should be available in the next two weeks. In the meantime, if a student has a valid reason for being out of uniform we ask that they follow the normal process of providing a written note. Students can then be issued a yellow slip that indicates to teachers that this has been recorded. If students are simply choosing to wear the wrong uniform they will be issued a detention. All students have access to their timetables via Simon and the expectation is that they are organised for each day of learning in the correct uniform.


Our School Captains delivered an Address at our Opening Mass today. In their address they spoke about our school value for the year of Intentional Inclusivity and our theme of “Be kind to all, be gentle to all”. Both of these are very much centred on the actions that we take towards others. Our community is made up of many different people and rather than focus on pointing out the differences as a negative, we should embrace our ‘sameness’ while celebrating the fact that we each bring something unique to our school. Each student and member of staff is responsible for treating each other with respect and inclusion. At our school Swimming Carnival we saw wonderful examples of House Spirit, where students did their best regardless of their abilities. Throughout the year we will continue to have opportunities to gather as a community to celebrate school spirit and each and every day we also have the chance to be kind and gentle. We can do this through what we say and what we do. These deliberate actions and words can make a big difference to our community.