A term of Japanese! 


This term has seen us finishing off topics, having a bit of Christmas fun and preparing for Graduation in Japanese.


The children have continued to be exposed to Japanese language and culture through games, stories and songs. Some highlights have been setting up a fruit shop and role-playing being a shop assistant or customer, celebrating Christmas, and being introduced to Japanese brush calligraphy and painting their names in Japanese. 


Prep children learnt new language this term through a variety of games and songs. Some favourite activities have been the hand swat game and a guess the voice game to practise answering yes and no. They also enjoyed preparing to sing 名前はサンタ (His Name is Santa) for the audience at Carols Night.

Year 1/2

To finish off the 牧場で (On the Farm) topic the Year 1/2 children made and illustrated a book. They were able to show off their language skills as they read their book aloud. The children enjoyed Christmas activities and prepared to sing ジングルベル (Jingle Bells) for the Carols night. Going by the great enthusiasm in the classroom, I assume many families know the words in Japanese now too!

Year 3/4

Year 3/4s have completed their topic comparing Australian and Japanese neighbourhoods. They made a book for the kinder children introducing parts of the house or transportation around town in Japanese. Many children were very creative and added a feature such as lift the flap or a special character to spot on each page. Year 3/4s often requested to play Blooket (an online learning tool) to consolidate their learning. 

Year 5/6

Most weeks this term Year 5/6s left Japanese classes complaining…. that they were hungry. Students learnt to make a simple transaction in Japanese, the focus being at a hamburger store. The children often requested to play Blooket (an online learning tool) to practise vocabulary and reading. The class average for accuracy improved throughout the term with classes achieving average scores of 86%, 90% and 92% accuracy this week. The soon to be graduates participated in a Japanese brush calligraphy incursion. They chose a Japanese character that is significant to them as they graduate Box Hill North Primary School (such as friends, memories, happiness). Their artwork has been made into a placemat that they will use at the Graduation Dinner.

Japanese Club

When Japanese one hour of Japanese a week just isn’t enough!