A message from David 

Principal's Report

Community Spirit

A wonderful representation of our community on Monday evening showcasing the talented student of Box Hill North.  The school and kinder was filled with a beautiful sense of community spirit as parents, staff and students came together to enjoy good company.  Seeing the students shine on stage is always a highlight on our calendar, spreading Christmas cheer and genuine pride in their performances.  My sincere gratitude to Mr Justin Wong for his coordination of this event, together with the support from staff.  Further thanks to our PFA for hosting the BBQ and hot potatoes.  Congratulations to all of our students from Kinder to Year 6 for making this a fun evening.


Student Leadership

Congratulations to Reuben and Luna, who have been officially elected by their peers and staff to represent Box Hill North as School Captains for 2024.  They have both shown outstanding quality in their approach towards learning and interaction with our community. They will be well supported by an incredible group of Year 6 students next year, who each have positions of responsibility in the student leadership program.  


I would like to extend my congratulations to both, Charlie and Uki, current School Captains, who have achieved great things and set a high standard of student leadership.  They too have been well supported by their peers who should equally be congratulated on their dedication towards leading by example.  


Classes for 2024

Back Row (left to right): Ains, Kirti, Laura, David, Anna
Back Row (left to right): Ains, Kirti, Laura, David, Anna

Plenty of excitement on Tuesday this week as students entered the final part of their transition program in preparation for next year.  As part of this process, students were able to join their actual 2024 classes with their teacher.  This often brings about much energy through change and anticipation.  I am really proud of the way our staff and students have supported the program to prime each class with a positive start for next year.  It was also very rewarding to see everyone make genuine effort to welcome new staff members to our team.  Kirti, Anna and Laura already feel connected to the Box Hill North community and is a credit to the way our families, students and staff support one another.  


Chinese Community

Each term, Shelley and I meet with parents and family members from our Chinese community.  This opportunity is highly valued and used as a way to connect and break down any language barriers to best support the students of Box Hill North.  Today’s conversation opened opportunity for us to celebrate the Chinese New Year in February.  We will host a day of celebration to welcome Year of the Dragon.  Keep an eye out for your chance to be involved in dumpling making, Chinese calligraphy and other traditional activities…


Wishing all our Box Hill North families and friends an enjoyable Christmas.  Have a wonderful break and see you all back in 2024!

